Monday, June 20, 2011

The Big Father's Day Skitacular

June 19, 2011
9 am
Parking lot at The Pass

We had a lot of snow this year. In fact, winter has steadfastly refused to give up. It snowed at The Pass last week. So, nobody is surprised that summer operations are delayed. Too bad for the crazy downhill mountain bikers and frisbee golf people.

I was wondering earlier this week if The Pass would open this weekend. It was not announced on the website when I looked and I only found out when I was chatting with my friend Randy about doing some more ski studies. Normally, they would open for summer operations this weekend, but too much snow put a damper on that. So they opened the backside for skiing on Saturday and Sunday. We would have gone both days, but it was raining pretty hard Saturday and the typical rain rules applied.

We were going Sunday no matter what. Rain, snow, or shine. Or fog.

It was pretty cloudy in town when we left, but it was not raining. In fact, there were many moments where the sun broke through on the way up. In short, there was hope.

Despite the lack of snow in the parking lot, Dylan and Marty are stoked to shred June's in June.

Our gondola arrives.

It was four years ago the last time The Pass was open on Father's Day. Of course we went in 2007. Read about it here (scroll down to the bottom). It was epically sunny in 2007; the weather was a work in progress today.

Marty comments on the lack of base.

Riding in style.

Dylan straps on the board while the fog dissipates.

The base on the back side is a bit more substantial. There's about 12' of snow at the top of Waldo.

The snow was, not surprisingly, incredibly sticky. Typical spring conditions for Oregon. Lots of snow that is really, really, sticky. Worse yet, I neglected to through the ski kit with the wax and scrapers in. Big mistake.

Marty shreds the summer stickiness.

Skirting the rocks.

Takin' the Escalator.


While the snow conditions were less than ideal, none of the 50 people on the hill we saw were complaining. We certainly were not. What's to complain about? Skiing on Father's Day in June with your son. That's the best way I can think of to celebrate. Kayla would have come along too if she was not in Steamboat. Something went right along the way...I've got a sweet wife and two great kids.

Now, it's time to get on with summer. Rumors are that 80% of the days between October and May were completely overcast. June was not much better. I'm ready for 10 weeks of 80 degree weather with no clouds or rain.

See ya next season!