Saturday, April 10, 2010

Winding down

Well, the season is winding down. The recent storms got us another weekend. Dylan and I headed up for the afternoon.

The skies were partly cloudy, but it was about 45 degrees.

Snow squalls on the horizon.

Dylan attempted 3's all day off the kicker. This is the best one he did.

Dylan tackle Success.

I tackle Success.

Dropping the cornice off the top.



It was nice to get up and do a few laps before the season ends, but I've been thinking all week about last Saturday and nothing about today got me too worked up. Besides, I'm kind of frustrated with the resort yet again. They had their end of season pass special going and then cut it off. A typical business practice would be to state when your special ends. Not so with Willamette Pass... better to just kind of randomly do things. I got no satisfaction from Guest Services. They gave me a line about running it concurrently with Hoodoo's special.


We'll head up tomorrow for a few hours and then get on with Spring.

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