Friday, March 6, 2009


Hooky, or hookey, depending on which dictionary you consult. One definition:
Unjustifiable absence from school, work, etc. (usually used in the phrase play hooky): On Friday Bob played hooky to go skiing.
Unjustifiable? Not a chance. Any ski day is justifiable. Especially if it preempts work. This week I had four night meetings in a row... meetings that got increasingly brutal as the week went on. Meetings about divisive issues that people have issues about. Hooky? Even for a half day? Let me at it. Unjustifiable? Not a chance.

Put it this way: I'm already trying to forget the meetings, but I'll never forget this afternoon.

Diane, Dylan and I (they had the day off; I played hooky) left at noon today to hit the hill. It's been snowing lightly all week and I didn't have any afternoon meetings, so there we went. I feel all badass because I took a half a day off to go skiing. What a rebel...

I should so this more often.

Now, for something completely different.

Last week I wrote about RTS, but RTS is pedstrian compared to SDN. SDN is RTS, only with trees. Yep, 52-57 degrees with trees... and cliffs. SDN:
  • Snow down north
  • Sounds darn normal
  • Some dumb nugget
  • Steep, deep, and nasty
You get the picture... or can below. Nominations for alternative names are welcome (that means you K-Pon).

Dylan straight up killled it today. This was the first time he hit SDN. On the second of five trips down, he had the most amazing run he's ever had (that's straight from the source).

Now he knows what I know. Yep... that's what I'm talkin' about--that feeling. The feeling of 57 degrees in the trees with a foot of fresh. There's only one way to do it, and that's to do it. And when you do it, you get the feeling. It's unbelievably amazing. It's addictive, that adrenaline rush.

The pic's don't do it justice, but it's a start. Note the cliff bands. Look out for avalanches.

Yep, that's steep alright. And, yep, em'r trees. They don't move if you hit them.

Kickin' it on SDN.

Gimme a little float on the banana boat.

Today was Dylan's day. It was grading day at school, so the teachers were all breaking their brains over how Dylan broke the curve. Dylan's making the grade:

You provide the marks.

Yo, homie!

Shoot for the clouds.

Grab the grab.

Sometimes when you're straight up killin' it, you fall down and go "poof."

Takin' pictures of you takin'pictures of me. There's Diane down there somewhere...

Here's my homies. I love them, even when they deadpan. Love the coat Diane, you look... as they say, marvelous.

5:00 pm, quittin' time.

We stayed post for a little late afternoon skiing, but didn't hang till it got dark. 27 degrees felt like 10 below.

I need to play hooky more often. I've been waiting for a good day when I don't have meetings scheduled. Today was the day.

Today was the day.


  1. Ummm, for starters, amazing shots.

    Secondly, Diane opted to go skiing instead of the doctor, unless there's a physicians office on the slopes.

    S.D.N. = Start drinking NOW!

  2. Yes Karen I did opt to go skiing instead of the doctors. Bob, you failed to mention your $236 reckless driving ticket. (construction zone)
