Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's ski time... again!

Studs. Check
Rack. Check
Snow. Check
Opening day... Friday. Check

It's ski time!

Weather: 11.25.09
Temperature 36° F
Wind Speed 0 - 5 MPH
Wind Direction South
Slope Conditions Early Season


12 Hour Snowfall 0"
24 Hour Snowfall 0"
Total Annual Snowfall 38"
Snow Level at Lodge 21"
Snow Level at Midway 27"
Snow Level at Peak 2 33"

Forecast: rain.

Well, whadda expect? This is Oregon. The base is a little thin. The weather dicey. The word on the street is that the average opening day for The Pass is December 6th. I'm not buying it; opening day has been more like December 20th for the past several years.

We'll go up and get our passes tomorrow, get a few runs in, and do the snow dance, give thanks to the start of a new season, and with any luck, the rest of the mountain will open soon.

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