Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rail Jam!

Apparently Dylan's crusade worked. When we got back, Pass Management had added two rails and a jump to the suite of features in the Midway Terrain Park. We call it "The Dump."

Anyway, it's nearly semi-respectable unless you compare it to any park and Colorado. We don't live in Colorado, so we'll judge it by Oregon standards. We have three boxes, two rails, a log feature (see post RE "The Feature"), and one jump. Better than what we had a month ago. Management is finally listening, which means they deserve a tiny bit of recognition. Kudos!

Rail Jam, 12 noon, Midway Terrain Park.

I apparently have some schooling to do in the world of jibbing. I thought a rail jam was a competition and told Dylan to go in and sign up. I was informed that was not the case. A rail jam is when a bunch of jibbers hang out in the park and "session" (e.g., ride over and over). Ok.

Lots of events today. It's freeheel frenzy (I declined to participate, opting to hit the powder), 80's day, and rail jam day. Additionally, they had curious mounds of snow at the bottom. What a mystery.

We speculate the the mounds are to keep the gapers from taking out the other gapers at the bottom of the hill. Or, for a major snowball fight. Or for little kids to summit and jump off.

We were wrong. We find out later that there is a snow sculpture contest. How fun!

Snow sculpture's not our deal, so we d0 a few runs to get the remains of yesterday's awesome dump.

Dylan hits the snow explosion kicker on Timburr.

Dylan is off-axis on his 3's. A problem that the photos suggest he had all day.

We head for the back side and do some shots down Cherokee, and then over to SDN.

Dylan billy goats around the cliff bands on SDN.

We then go into a monochrome world of photography. Somewhere along the line I hit something that changes everything. Everything.

Monochrome Dylan on the Timburr kicker.

Diane meets us around 11:30.

The Success kicker. The kid that went off before Dylan headed left, did a nice little shifty, hit the duff and rolled. By 11am, the remains of yesterday's dump we're getting pretty heavy and turning into a layer of gak.

Dylan and Diane scope out the Midway Park.

Still off-axis.

We go down RTS on last run. It's still as steep as ever.

Dylan coming...

Dylan going...

Dylan Parker, snow gorilla.

We leave around 1:30 again--before all the festivities start. I'm suffering anxiety for playing hookey and need to get caught up tomorrow before the new term starts. Adding to the complication is our performance at the Living River art show opening at the Hult Center on Thursday, April 1. We need a little rehearsal to buff up the delivery.

We'll kick it out, and hopefully the weather will cooperate and we'll get one last day in next weekend before they close.

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