Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Feature

It's only appropriate to discuss The Feature on Oscar day.

Score a win for Willamette: they finally built something (The Feature) for the kids to play on.

Well, not that one. That's the snowman feature that was built last weekend, melted this week, and was rebuilt this weekend.

This is The Feature:

A hip with a log on top that can be approached multiple ways. Willamette gets a gold star for pushing the snow off of Rough Cut and building the feature. I'm convinced The Feature is a result of Dylan's campaign to push Willamette Pass management to, well, manage the ski area. He started a Facebook group called "Willamette Pass needs better customer service/management" which now has 40 members. Maybe they are starting to get the picture.

The Feature is popular with the shirtless kids and kids of all types. There were a good 30-40 kids riding The Feature... including the awesome backflip kids. Sounds like it could be a marketing opportunity.

Dylan gets sideways on The Feature.

Dylan bonks atop The Feature.

Dylan gets in the weeds.

The base is getting thin. The forecast calls for 6-9" tomorrow so with any luck we'll get a bit of replenishment and the season will hang on. This is the first front since December that is coming in from the north. Hooray!

The front approaches.

And the Oscar goes to: Diane and Dylan for their awesome ski performance! Roll out the red carpet.

Enough of The Feature for today. We'll go for an encore soon. Maybe Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin will guest host my blog.


  1. What a beautiful, sunny surreal day for it.
    Wow. Awesome.

    I like that Dylan spear-headed change up at Willlamette. You shell out enough cash, you should have snowboard features for the PAYING snowboarders.

    Squeaky board gets the grease!

  2. Or in boarder conventions... squeaky board gets the wax.

    It was an awesome day--especially given that it was cloudy in town.
