Saturday, January 29, 2011

Spring Break

That's right. Spring break. In January.

I'm simply registering my complaint that it hasn't snowed in nearly a month and that we haven't had any measurable precipitation in a couple of weeks. Looks like more of the same is on the way for the coming week.

The upside is spring conditions in January. The downside is the snowpack is getting decimated. We were up to about 60" at the lodge; it's now down to 22" and shrinking.

When the snow starts melting, Dylan heads for the Park. Some Smart Style advice for newbies.

Respect gets respect, especially when you fly high.
Trails merge.
Diane enjoys the sunshine.
So, while the rest of the country is languishing in deep winter, we get spring. This is trending towards a trend--that is the mid-winter drought. By my estimate it's happened 4 of the last 10 seasons. Feels like a change is in progress.

If this season trends like previous seasons, a return to wet conditions should be in store. Until then, we'll enjoy the sunshine.

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