Saturday, February 19, 2011

A few simple rules

Rule #1: Snow makes dogs happy. Very happy.

That's what I'm talking about. Dogs love snow!

Now, a message (or six) from the Jeep...official sponsor of the National Ski Patrol.

Good advice, if for no other reason than skiing the way the person is depicted in the picture above has to be extremely painful.

Message #1.

Also, don't stand below this guy, and if you do, wear a helmet. I wonder if your feet fall off if you forget to use straps or brakes. And, so much for leashes.

Message #3

Please follow the red arrows to the safety zone.

Message #4

I spy a guy who forgot his brakes and is dropping his skis on my head. Could it be a sign?

Message #5

Yea, get outta my way, ya jerk! Better advice: stay off my trails, and definitely stay outta my stash.

Message #6

Is it me, or are those guys on the left doing the Chinese downhill? My strategy is generally to get in front of people like that.

And those, my friends, are the signs of safe skiing. Or something.

Note that the signs do not address the issue of getting inverted.

Well, now that's behind us, let's get on to today.

It was very busy today, probably due to the combination of lots of new snow, President's day weekend, and a high school GS race.

Diane prepares to attempt snowboarding over at Sleepy Hollow.

Shred, baby, shred!

After a while she gave up and came skiing with us.

Dylan was working on his "whatever this is" maneuver.

Here it is in pictures.







That's all for today. Remember the signs of safe skiing, and as always:

Safety First!


  1. Sweeeeet! I miss you guys!

    Diane no likey the board?

    I wanna try.

  2. awwww, mom. you look great on a snowboard! i LOVE it!
