Sunday, April 3, 2011

Choppy & Sloppy

We've been waiting for winter to release it's icy grip and give us a sunny spring day. Today was sort of that day.

Sort of.

We intentionally got a late start because it was in the 30's when I got up and 19 at the mountain. It was warm earlier in the week which means ice or hard pack. We arrived around noon and things were shaping up pretty well. The sun was out, but the low clouds were a little threatening on Diamond Peak.

It was pretty choppy at the beginning--lots of chatter on the snow as it was beginning to soften. It got better as the day went on.

Choppin' down High Lead.

Dylan bonks the Terrain Park sign.

Tearing down High Lead again.

The locals are looking forward to spring.

Conditions are great for early April and we're probably looking at two or three more weekends as long as people keep on coming up.

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