Saturday, March 26, 2011

Totally 80s

Just another powder day at The Pass.

Today was the Totally 80's bash. It is common for ski resorts to have events at the end of the season--which is getting pretty close now. In typical Willamette fashion, the event was pretty low-key.

We pretty much skipped all the festivities to partake in the powder party in the trees. The weather report didn't call for much snow, and the DOT said a couple of inches, but it had really piled up over the week in the woods.

Dylan shoots the cannon.

After a few runs on the south face, we headed to the stash. The one place that nobody else seems to go on a powder day at The Pass. We got easily 10 shots through the trees that we're all untouched lines.

Outrageous fun!

Racing through the grotto on SDN.

SDN lives up to it's name, at least the Steep and Deep part.

Dylan took time out to photograph me.

I'm also enjoying the fact SDN is living up to it's name. Gotta love waist deep turns and face shots.

The S3's float!

Shreddin' the woods.

Overall, a great day. We did 20 runs and quit shortly after 2pm. We'd tracked out everything worth anything, and worn ourselves out. We didn't stick around for the Totally 80's Bash; something I would have definitely done 30 years ago.

Reflections of wonder.

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