Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Official Start of the 2011-12 Season

Saturday, January 21, 2012
The Pass

To my surprise the entire mountain opened today. I did not think enough snow made it between the rain for that to happen. It did. Depending on where you looked the mountain got somewhere between 2' and 3' last week. The difference two weeks makes on the snowpack is astonishing.
January 8, 2012

January 21, 2012

It is well above that now since we had additional snow over the weekend and this week. Bring it on.

Diane and Dylan's buddy Ian came with today. I made the egregious error of skiing right past my wife this morning. I did not even recognize her in her new jacket. Oops...I'm sorry. I get a little overexcited and focused on a powder day.

Dylan leaps the log feature on High Lead.

We have a feature on the backside in the trees called the "Whale's Tail." The Whale's Tail is 100 or so yards long and drops off about 20' to 30' on the east side down into the trees in slopes that range from very steep (60 degrees plus) to outright cliffs. We went in there last week and were dodging rocks all over the place. This week it had filled in.

Dylan hucks a 10-footer off the Whale's Tail.

And gets buried.

All in all this was a good start to the official season. They had a decent crowd and we got fresh shots all day long.

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