Saturday, February 18, 2012

Photo Op

18 February 2012

Looking out onto a fairytale world of snow and mountains and fun...

We got 6" of snow last night, which was enough to get me excited, given the overall shape of this season. It wasn't that great; not dust on crust, but...well, 6" on hardpack or more accurately frozen rain.

Dylan was stoked, they put out some park features and started to build a jump. But that was not the theme of the day. The theme was Photo Op, as in Photo Operation. Since conditions were just ok, we took a lot of pictures. Let's move on to the gallery.

I. Tearing down High Lead

II. Snaking through the root wads

III. Leaping small bumps

IV. Leaping bigger bumps

V. Playing in the woods

VI. Log ride!

We took a break around noon and went and had lunch (a kind of rare occurrence for us). We were hungry and I figured the resort could use a small cash infusion.

Would you buy insurance from this man?

Me either. Good thing this man doesn't sell insurance.

We're all on Dylan's team.

More of the same after lunch.

I. Airplane turn

II. Threading the needle

IV. Smooth as jazz

V. Stylin'


Dylan took another shot at the log ride this afternoon. What could possibly go wrong?







Wow, nearly pulled that one off!

Well, our photo op was more or less successful. I'll leave you with a little clip of Dylan hucking a front flip. He's pretty much locked this one down.

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