Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another Sunday

Sunday, February 26

Just another Sunday at The Pass. It reminds me of the movie "On Any Sunday," a 1970s movie that documented the crazy stuff bikers do on their weekends...specifically Sunday. My recollection was that it was a nice peek at biker culture--from motocross to touring. What it was really about was the biker community. If you are a biker, no matter the flavor, you are part of that community of people that are very passionate about their hobby.

Skiing is much the same. If you meet a stranger that is a skier (posers need not apply), there is an instant connection of experience regardless of age or where you've skied in the past. That experience binds skiers in a common understanding of the sport and why we do it. You just know. You know that across the planet that others who share your obsession are out there seeking that experience of being in the mountains in the winter...and hurling yourself down a mountain on two sticks.

It's kind of ridiculous when you break it down. What would make anyone obsess over riding to the top of an ice cold mountain in the middle of winter at high elevations in horrible conditions to throw yourself off the edge? That's exactly the point, however. I guess it's kind of a Zen thing. Here's a few exhibits on why we do what we do.

Exhibit A: Diamond Peak

Exhibit B: The Dragon's Back

The Dragon's Back is a gnarly rock feature on the back side between Where's Waldo and June's Run. Underneath the cliff (see photo above) there is a scree field that is about eight turns long. The snow tends to accumulate at the base which makes it fun. The downside is that it is a bit difficult to get to in deep snow. It requires a 1000 foot traverse from June's to get up to the entrance which is to the left in the photo.

Exhibit C: Shredding the Dragon's Back

It snowed a little more last night, but nothing near the 7" that the DOT reported. It was pretty windy and a lot of the snow got blown someplace else. Nonetheless, that snowpack is starting to accumulate.

Exhibit D: The Stick

We got to shred SDN again today. It was bulletproof ice on a 45 degree slope for the first 200' then got nice and deep.

Exhibit E: Dylan hucks a back flip off the rock at the bottom of SDN

We picked up a stray this morning. Steve is a graduate student in our program at the UO. Steve comes from Alaska so he was happy to have us show him around.

Exhibit F: Steve at the bottom of SDN

So, just another Sunday working on our Zen at The Pass. We'll be back for more meditation next weekend.

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