Saturday, April 14, 2012

Penultimate Day

April 14, 2012
Penultimate Day

Well, then, there's not much left of the season. Tomorrow--usually tax day--is the final day of winter operations for The Pass. As always, it's a little sad, but I'm ready to move on. It's been one weird season. According to the media, the average temperature in the US in March was 8.6 degrees Farenheit higher than any March on record. I don't think it was that way here, but when temperatures in Minnesota go above 70 for five days in March, that's not normal.

We had a pretty typical wet March that carried into April. In fact, The Pass posted 5" of fresh snow in the past 24 hours. We didn't get here until 11 so it didn't really matter. It wasn't five inches anyway.

I practiced my passenger skills today and gave Dylan an opportunity to experience the driver's side. He decided he likes being a passenger better. So did I.

We had a combination of sun and clouds today. That was fortunate since we got there late. If it were more sunny, then the snow's stick-factor would have gone into red too early and we would have had to quit way before we did.

Odell Lake is awesome, as always. The clouds add sufficient drama.

The snow on the trees made for interesting geometric patterns.

Mom discussed how dialed in the grooming is a Beaver Creek in a recent post. Here's evidence of how the cat operators at The Pass could benefit from some training. And this isn't even the worst they've done.

Dylan hits the log ride. The best features at The Pass are natural.

Round II

Round III.

Spring jammin' on RTS. Check out the angle of the trees on the right. It's a lot steeper than it looks in the photo.




And, one final round of the log ride...

One last view of the log style.

We'll come up again tomorrow for closing day--it's tradition after all. What we really need is a posse so we can have a party in the parking lot. It's not as much fun with the three of us, but we'll celebrate nonetheless.

We wouldn't have it any other way.

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