It hasn't snowed in a few days so the mountain is groomed as well as you'll ever see it. I chatted with Tim (the owner/GM) in the lodge. He said people were complaining last week that nothing was groomed. I'll cut him some slack this time--it's hard to stay on top of 8' of snow. Not that I mind--my M.O. is either powder or going really fast.
The park was up...but it wasn't much to write home about. Dylan wasn't too stoked. He did hit the jump once, but it wasn't really what he needed to practice his front side rodeos.
The view from the top. Clouds of wonder. And very chilly for here.
They had Good Time Charlie groomed today, so we hit it a few times. Diane shreds the view of Odell Lake.
Check out my new helmet. What a dude!
Diane stopped and snapped a few photos of me.
What a dude. I clocked in a 51 mph on the ski tracks today. Going fast will always be a thrill.
Diane sets up for Eagle's Flight.
Well, then,
The view is all one can ever hope for.
See you next year. Happy new year, and a great 2013!