Sunday, December 23, 2012

Three Day Run!

Day Three. It's starting to feel like winter break.

Still snowing, still skiing. We got another 5" overnight. The snow settled a lot overnight, so the trees were heavy. So were my legs. I'm clearly not getting any younger. As such, skiing seems to just get harder. With a few more days, maybe my legs will get into skiing shape. I can only hope.

Today was family day.  Diane on first ride up the Twilight lift. The lower mountain was in fine shape.

Still snowing!

Snowing harder!

Taking pictures of you taking pictures of me. Near the race shack at the bottom of By George.

The trees are flocked in holiday style.

Dylan takes a dunk


Riding up the EPA for a run down from the top of Eagle Peak. Dylan was a little tired since he stayed out late with his buds.

Diane tearing down Perseverance.

Diane models her new jacket. Looks great!

To state the obvious. But it's always a good reminder!

Taking the day off to recover tomorrow. We'll likely head back up Monday.


  1. You're back! Awesome! What great pix! Everyone looks so good! What I would do to trade places with you guys right now. Look at all that gorgeous snow! beautiful snow!

  2. Yep. We're havin' fun in the, uh, snow. You should come out for a vay-cay!
