Friday, December 28, 2012

Still Snowing, Still Dreaming

December 27th

Well, another 10" last night. It provided a bit of motivation to get back up to the mountain. Two days of rest helped a little, but I'm definitely not as young as spry as I was a year or ten ago. We'll see how long I can keep this up.

As long as it keeps snowing, I'll keep least for now.

The standard Willamette Pass grooming program.

 Dylan brought along the Posse...Ian, Dylan, and Marty

It even got sunny for a bit today. That generally isn't good news here--with a south facing mountain it doesn't take much to ruin the snow. Diamond Peak sure is pretty though.

 The abominable snow Ian.

Looks like we'll get a little break from this weather pattern. Diane and Dylan are planning on coming up again tomorrow. Hopefully they'll get the groomers out to clean up the runs and build some park features.

Oh, and this is for Kayla.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that hurt indeed! Poor Dylan!

    But I am excited to be once again, living vicariously thru you guys!

    Take care of my twin sister!
