Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year's Eve

31 December 2014
Ski Inn, Steamboat Colorado
New Years Eve Day

A bright, sunny morning with ballons over Steamboat.

Dylan conquers Storm Peak.

Elkhead.  Note the gigantic mass of people in line at the Sundown.

 We met up with Parker and Quinn in the afternoon. At the top of Pony Express. We were doing hot laps on Middle Rib->Outlaw. It was in great shape.

Parker shreds the Middle Rib.

Quinn shows off her style.

Parker models his red scarf.


The crew.

Cath and Beth showed up a little later and caught up with us on the Middle Rib.



The view East. That's Perry Peak to the left--the big mountain across from Winter Park.

Dylan, Quinn and Parker.

Fireworks over the gondola at 6pm.  It was a nice little show at the right time.

Kayla, Dylan and Parker went out and partied with friends until around 3am. Diane was at home with Kodi and I missed them both dearly. I gave up on New Year's Eve and retired around 10:30. It will be nice getting up in the morning without a hangover.

Happy New Years!

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