Monday, January 5, 2015

Pony Express

4 January 2015
Sunday, Day 8

Weather was a little better today, but the snow storm predicted for today didn't really materialize. We only got a couple of inches. That doesn't slow Dylan down.

Paul Carter was a gracious host and showed us some of the powder stashes off the Sunnyside lift (aka WallyWorld). We got several nice runs in with the crew.

We skied with the family in the morning, then went in for lunch around 12:30 to say goodbye. The Parker crew was clearing out and heading back to the Fort. Craig stuck around and skied with me this afternoon while Dylan did park laps. 

The view from the bottom of Pony Express.

Craig looks down Longhorn.

Thunderhead lodge from the top of Pony Express.


We went and visited Scotty again. Kayla bonded with Bella. Greta is on the right.

Kayla and Dylan in front of the Iron Horse.

Craig left around 5. The Ski Inn is pretty chill now. I had a great time skiing with Craig--we haven't had a chance to catch up for a while. We traded stories about concerts back in the day. I was reminiscing about the time that Craig took me to a Plimsouls show in LA back in the day. Feels like a Million Miles Away today!

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