Saturday, December 19, 2015

Steamboat!/Users/bobparker/Pictures/My Pictures/2015/12 December/DSCN1156.JPG

The 2015-16 season is looking up.  Willamette Pass opened yesterday, but I'm in Colorado visiting family. Willamette has 73" on the year so far, or about 75% of the total snowfall in the 2014-15 season.

I arrived in Colorado on Wednesday evening and visited family for a couple of days.  Dad and I stopped at Coopersmiths for lunch with Catherine.

Here we are.

Dylan and I drove to Steamboat last night.  The drive was easy, even if it was a bit windy.  The Poudre canyon is nice as ever.

We got up late and rode the Green Line to the hill.

It's getting a little spendy to ski. I never thought I would see the day that people would pay $129 a day to ski.  Fortunately, I didn't.  My old friend Scott Whiteman set me up with a few vouchers. We'll visit Scott and Colleen on Sunday for a little holiday get together.

 Gondola Square.

 We hopped the gondola.  Stokage is high.  First day of the season for Kayla and me.

Kayla on Buddy's Run.

 There we are.

Steamboat is as beautiful as ever.

Dylan does what Dylan does...

 Kayla's friend Will rode with us today.

 Dylan again...

 Pretty much sums up the day...

 Kayla, Will and Dylan.

Kayla, Dylan and me.


Pano of the Yampa Valley.

Dylan and Will chill.

Conditions were very early season.  We went in the trees a few times and regretted it every time.  Thin coverage, lots of bushes, and crusty unconsolidated powder.  It was still a lot of fun.

Dylan broke his binding so we went shopping when we got home and he got some new ones. 

The forecast is calling for snow for the next week starting at noon tomorrow so conditions will probably improve over the next few days.  A good start to the 2015-16 season.

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