Saturday, March 3, 2012

Spring Returns

Saturday, March 3

Hart to believe it's March already. We had a late February blast on the 28th and 29th (leap day!). It snowed about two feet. As usual, work got in the way and it was impossible to get away to enjoy what must have been the best powder day of the season.

This being the Great Northwest, it got warm so by the time we got up on Saturday it was spring-like conditions.

It was a little overcast in the morning but that burned off and it was 50 degrees when we left.

We stuck to the groomers today--everything else was pretty crummy.

Willamette has a run named Swoosh; I'll leave it up to you, the reader, to determine the significance of that name. Willamette also has a special difficulty classification of the white square. I'm not sure what exactly it stands for, but it skis like an intermediate run at any other resort.

Diane watches the snowboarders hit the jump. Not bad--they got the first jump built by March.

Good advice from the management.

They should also have one that says clear takeoff area, since some of the patrons can't seem to figure out that sitting on the lip prohibits everyone else from hitting the jump.

Dylan flips out.

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