Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Pattie's Powder Day

St. Patrick's Day, 2012

St. Patrick's Day is a classic ski day. Right up there with Stupor Stunday and New Year's Day. I've probably written about historical St. Pattie's hijinks someplace in this blog, but I can't seem to find where. I'll save that for later.

Today was iffy. On our walk last night I told Diane repeatedly that I thought it was going to be crappy and that I wasn't going. For context, it snowed almost every night last week. Yea. The bad news was that it was getting up into the 50s every day--which means the temperature at The Pass is above freezing. It snowed a foot Thursday night, was a gorgeous sunny day Friday and then snowed another six inches last night. High potential for dust on crust or worse.

We went anyway--ditching the other stuff we had planned for today. From a ski standpoint, it turned out to be a good call. While the runs were six inches on top of a two-inch crust layer on top of a lot more snow, the trees were pretty amazing. Three feet of amazing in some places, and knee deep on most.

One more reason why I'm not on the ski patrol.

After clouds all the way up, the sky's parted and it was a bluebird powder day. Shreddin' the woods off of High Lead.

Dylan lost in a sea of powder flying down the 45-degree pitch on SDN. He had to pull up and stop not long after this because he couldn't see anything.

Shooting the tree gap on SDN backlit by the late winter sun.

The addition of several feet of snow allowed construction of bigger and better jumps.

Dylan gets a pristine pillow shot.

In my element.

Despite our reservations, today was one of the, if not the, best powder days of this season. The conditions have improved immensely over the past two weeks. It's shaping up to be a good end of season.

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