Friday, March 25, 2011

After Hours

You would never know it by reading this blog, but The Pass offers night skiing. We've gone a few times in the past. The experience has largely been cold. Very cold.

Another reason we don't go that much is that night skiing only includes the lower trails served by the Twilight lift. On the other hand, it does include the park on By George. Despite that, Dylan hasn't pressed particularly hard for night skiing.

We got an early start.

First ride at 2:15. Dylan shows his typical level of stokage.

Diane started on the snowboard, but changed to skiing after she bruised her knee on one of those dangerous wrecks that seem to happen all the time when you snowboard.

Hanging out in the Timburr Glades.

After hours today was 4:00-5:30 pm. We didn't stay long enough for the Friday night festivities.

It was snowing hard when we left. Winter is still pushing back against spring and La Nina has been delivering the goods for the past five weeks.

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