Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Rodeo

What a difference a day can make, to use a cliche. It pretty much went from winter to spring overnight. I got up at 6:30 and checked the snow report; the mountain said 5" while the DOT said 0". It was easy to figure out who to believe. So, I caught up on a couple of hours of sleep.

It was about 35 degrees when we arrived around noon. The groomers worked overnight (which is always questionable at The Pass). Diane went out and tested the snowboard again.

Diane wisely wears a helmet while snowboarding.

Wish me luck!

I'm shredding Sleepy Hollow!

Penguin man and his cronies showed up today.

Dylan rides the kink.

The big event of the day was The Rodeo. As frequent readers may recall (all two of you), the Rodeo is a trick that Dylan has been working on for a while now (see the epic crashes from January 9). Today he nailed it...several times.

Video of Dylan doing the Rodeo.

Skies of wonder...

Another fun day with the family. Ski time is always a good time.

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