Sunday, March 13, 2022

Beaver Creek - Day 4 - Powder!

March 10, 2022

Beaver Creek Resort

The snow report indicated 10" overnight. No complaints here. Garth and I got ready early and struck out around 8:20 or so. We walked over to the gondola and thankfully they started loading around 8:45 - 15 minutes before scheduled. Over to the the Lower Beaver Creek express and we were on 8th chair. We got to the top right at 9 and hit the Upper Beaver Creek express with the intent of going over to President Ford's. That first run was the best of the trip and probably the best of the year. Maybe a dozen people had skied down before we did.  Second run was on Stacker - not quite as good as the first, but pretty damn good. My thighs were barely up to the task.

Garth shredding the gnarr on Stacker.



No more photos today - too much powder to track up. We went over to Birds of Prey and skied many runs over there. Harrier was particularly good because it had some fun slots through the trees. 

Lots of people out today - every snowboarder in the valley came out. No big surprise there - why live in a ski town if you can't play hookey on a powder day.

Still snowing in the village when we finished the day. My knees get much sorer these days than they did a couple years ago. And they got sore then.

The three musketeers.

Catherine and Garth in the magical snow globe.

We got back after a successful day of shredding pow. The girls were going shopping when we had a four-alarm ski catastrophe. Catherine pulled out of the garage before the door was all the way up. That was a little ironic since Garth had warned her not too pull out yesterday when I went over to Christy Sports to get some wax (which was insanely expensive).  Steve said I now had the "enhanced rocker" K2's. I couldn't get too upset because I've had those boards for something like 10 years (I'd have to check the historic postings to figure out what year I got them). At any rate I had decided that they were on the retirement plan this year. Anyway, looks like I'll be skiing the fatty's for the rest of the trip. Worse things could happen.










A great day despite the ski catastrophe. The first few runs reminded me how much fun it is to ski pow. The first run reminded me of a day at Willamette. It also reminded me of how powder days in Colorado go - every local comes out and the mountain is ravaged within an hour or two. 

Tomorrow should be good but I don't expect any second day stashes will exist. 




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